Charlie Roberts

Dear Mr. Drenkhahn:

My name is Charlie Roberts I am orginally from Meredith and graduated from Inter Lakes High School. I entered the the US Navy having been drafted in 1962. I was on a destroyer Uss DD936 Decatur and served in the Cuban Missle crisis and the Lebanon crisis and served additional time over the four year enlistment time to help the Navy cover its personnel shortage for the Vietnam war. I was able to make Radarman 2nd class in three years. When I got out of the service in 1966 I went to Belknap College on the GI bill getting a whooping $100 a month for my service to my country. There were many classmates that were also in the service,we even had three students who were grandchildren of Admiral Bull Halsey. While in school I worked two jobs averaging about 50 hours a week to pay for my own education. I graduated in 1969 after three plus years and was elected to Who’s Who in American colleges for which I am very proud to have done. Yes we had some parties at Belknap and so did all the other colleges it was all part of growing up. I have been to most of the college reunions and its amazing how many students that have been successful in their work and community. Please add me to long list of proud veterans that proudly attended Belknap College.


Charlie Roberts

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