Gene Mc Caffrey

I live in Taunton, Massachusetts. I haven’t gone far have I? Anyway, I work in Randolph, MA, and have been in the Credit field since graduation. I keep in touch with Jay Lavers on occasion, but I have not heard from many since the last class of ’68 reunion. It’s great to see this site, and as I get older, the more I’m impressed with computers. Imagine what we could find out back in the late 60’s. My wife and I have 4 children, 3 girls and one boy. The girls range from 33-25, and the “boy” is 19, and a freshman at Massachusetts Maritime Academy at Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod.

I served in the Air Force after graduation, stationed at Westover Air Force Base as a Medic. I met my wife there, and then we were transfered to RAF Lakenheath, UK until we were discharged in 1972. From that point, I have been in the credit field for various companies. I hope to hear from some class mates. My email is There is an “underscore” in my e-mail between gene and mccaffrey. I hope all are well, God Bless. Gene.

Gene McCaffrey

1074 Glebe St.

Taunton, MA 02780


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