Carole Ann Foster Wiquist

Carol Wiquist passed away in November from Covid 19.

It is not a stretch to say Carol and Bill were loved by all at Belknap. They were kind and generous.

The last time I saw Carol (and Bill) was a chance meeting, I was on the Autotrain from Orlando, FL to DC on the way to NH. I was traveling alone and was seated in the dining car. The man at the table across from me was wearing a Red Sox shirt so we got into a conversation. He was going to Beverly, MA. He asked me where I was headed and I said, New Hampshire. All of a sudden I heard my name, “Jim!” I looked across the aisle and there were Bill and Carol.

We had a great conversation. They were headed to their home in Vermont. Bill said the trip took a lot out of them and it would probably be one of the last trips to VT they took. They were a wonderful couple. I hope Bill is ok.

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