Belknap Brigade 368th Engineers Battalion, U.S. Army Reserves, Laconia, N.H.

12/29/2010 – If anyone doubts the patriotism or loyalty of Belknap students, they should look at this picture of the Belknap Brigade:     This is the Belknap Brigade – Belknap College students who were members of the 368th Engineers Battalion, U.S. Army Reserves, Laconia, N.H.   Pictured are: (Front row) L to R: John […]

Gene McCaffrey

12/29/10 – After I graduated from Belknap in 1968, I received my “Greetings” and instead of waiting to be inducted into the Army, I enlisted into the Air Force. I went to Basic at Lackland AFB, TX and then to Sheppard AFB, TX for Tech School. I graduated with honors as a Medical Service Specialist, […]

Mike Sehl

12/28/2010 – I attended Belknap College during the scholastic years September 1964 through May 1966. I attended the Southeast Asian War Games in the Republic of South Viet Nam during the period of October 1968 through the middle of February 1969 when I was brought home on emergency leave due to illness in my family. […]

Captain William J. Bowne, USAF (Retired)

12/28/10 – This is in answer to the e-mail asking for those of us with military experience to post: I attended Belknap from 1972 through its closure, after which I transferred to Lyndon State with most of the rest of the weather classes. Family pressures forced me to drop out of Lyndon State, after which […]

Suellyn (Su) Nancarrow Hunt

7/14/11: I attended Belknap Collegw from 1967 to 1971. I never thought of my school as a haven for draft dodgers. Many good friends served in the service before and after attending Belknap. The school changed drastically after the DR. FRYE left and not for the better. I am sorry Dean Taylor, you and your […]


From Jim M, 12-28-2012 – This is a list of email addresses that were returned to me in my last message to Belknapians. If you can ID any of these and correct them, please send me an email at I do not want you to post the new email addresses here. I want to […]


12-20-2012 – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all my fellow Belknapians – Dave Warlik


11-16-2012 – Ken Sutelman sent Jim Mulligan an email which he sent to me telling that The old Belknap College property is again for sale and can be had for a mere $660,000. Jim and I have pledged fifty dollars each, does anyone else want to chip in? The taxes are about $2,000.00 a month. […]


11/15/2012 – We have been informed that Anne (Schroeder) Van Hove, a Belknap Alum, passed away on November 3, 2012 from colon cancer. Although Anne attended Belknap for just a short time,she loved everything about her stay there. If anyone would like to make a donation in her name, they can be sent to PROVIDENCE […]


Belkanp was amazing because of the paths you could choose- The magic was we where friends know matter the chosen path and we still are! That my fellow Belknap friends is what makes our hearts sad when a classmate passes or happy when we attend a reunion- MP 72′

Mad Dog

Apparently some people still haven’t grown up!   ——————————————————————————–     Belknap was a wild place .The deans were called the Smith Brothers.Everyone was stoned and drunk everyday.We had fun everyday.I was there from 70 to 73 I remember everything.     please talk about the bakery .     My name is the Mad […]


8/22/2012 – BELKNAP COLLEGE METEOROLOGIST DOES IT AGAIN! Congratulations to HRD scientists for winning the 2012 NOAA Administrator’s Award HRD scientists Peter Dodge, John Gamache, Frank Marks (Belknap 73), and several NOAA colleagues from the NOAA Aircraft Operations Center (AOC), National Weather Service (NWS), and the Office of Acquisition and Grants were among the recipients […]


8/7/12 The town has an outside basketball court, but if you want to use it, you might want to contact them to set it aside for that Saturday. Gene ’68


8/1/12 BASKETBALL Game Saturday morning at Belknap 50th Reunion, great idea! If there is interest we can find a place to play. mona 72


I called you Roger Ramjet this is Miles.Ed Darragh was my teacher.We should play basketball again.I hope you are still in shape

June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012 I Did Belknapians know that it was in the Boston Globe, years ago, that Ed Darragh was sentenced to life imprisonment in Massachusetts for pedophilia? He had been in jail for it previously, and was a repeat offender. DM’70

4 June 2012

4 June 2012 To the Coe House Girls: I haven’t had anyone call me Roger Ramjet in 40 years. Been called lots of other things but not that. I seem to recall that hockey coach Edward Darragh gave me that moniker.

April 21, 2012

April 21, 2012 Dear Belknapians; Some of you already know this but for those of you who do not, in 30 days I will be walking 39.3 miles as a participant in the AVON WALK for BREAST CANCER. I am walking with my daughter and a friend and we are doing this because we can. […]


1970-1973 We had alot of fun. Remember Chico,The Joint, Slinky jumping off the Mount Washington. Renting Canoes. Hockey. Pat Harris and cousin Paul. Kenny Kupferberg. Big Buck. Coe house. Roger Ramjet. Remember Goldie? Marcus Gibbs. Mamadu. Who was the class president for those three years? I believe it was that handsome redhead. Miles Snyder   […]

This is Miles

Hi, This is Miles I just read Joes post. Yes that was me I finished in 3hours 18 minutes. I still run. I live in Portsmouth. Joe Tutrone will tell you where to find me. I am still the same. I hope your well and still wild. Speak to you soon Miles. PS I recently […]




1/19/2012 – Last Saturday, 1/14, there was a fund raiser at Moulton’s Farm in Meredith for the Diane K. Kline (Kamercia) Memorial Scholarship Fund. Diane’s husband, Duke, set up the fund in memory of his wonderful wife and Belknap alum. The fund awards scholarships to grads of Inter-Lakes High School to pursue their higher education. […]


1/9/12 Happy New Year to all. Would love to see some of you at The Launch-a-Wish to benefit the Diane K.Kline Memorial Scholarship Fund at Moulton Farm on January 14th, 2012 at 3:30 pm. (storm date 1/15) Tax deductible donations can be made to DKKMSF-PO Box 526 Center Harbor, NH 03226. Check out video on […]


1/2/12 – Happy New Year. I was just thumbing through the Fan’s Choice issue of Sports Illustrated and was taken back to 1970. Please check out page 79. Standing behind Grete Waitz, who won numerous marathons and passed last year is fellow Belknapian Miles Synder. It appears to be the start of the 1979 NYC […]


1/1/12….Hoping all have a happy & healthy New Year….The Gleckmans

12/23/11-Happy Holidays

12/23/11-Happy Holidays- Just thinking back to my first Christmas at Belknap, I could not wait to go home and visit with my family then I could not wait to return. Maybe the magic of the snow, the frozen lake that reflected the full moon like a mirror, the true attraction I believe was returning to […]

11/23/11 – Happy Thanksgiving

11/23/11 – Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Belknapians. Gene. ’68


11/1/11 – Hi everyone! The Presentation that I made is now on the Centre Harbor Historical site. You can go to and listen to it there. It was not a concise history of Belknap, but just my recollection of my 4-years there, 1964 – 1968. I hope that someday that one of us will […]


10/25/11 Yup, it did happen! I was there. A Wales Tails game, on the Mount, gone bad. Anonymous ’70


10/24/11 Belknapians would be proud of the presentation Gene McCaffrey gave to the Historical Society. The presentation by Gene was well organized, well presented and well received. Following the presentation there were numerous questions for Gene about the College and the students. Gene also presented the Historical Society with some yearbooks and a Meredith publication […]

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