2021 Reunion

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    • #10917
      Mickey Terrone

      We’re talkin’ Reunion in 2021!

      Hello Belknap Alumni! We trust that if you’re reading this, you have successfully endured the scourge of COVID 19 and are looking forward to getting back to as normal a life as possible as soon as possible.
      In keeping with that ideal, it would be a very positive and exciting objective to plan a Belknap Reunion later in 2021 at Center Harbor.

      We will be warmly welcomed by the management of the Mug and Coe House (Osteria Poggio Restaurant). The first draft of our tentative plan is to gather at The Mug on Friday evening, October 22. On Saturday, October 23, we can gather again beginning at noonish for a day-long indoor/outdoor event at Coe House (depending upon the weather). This will give alumni who live within 2-hours or so of Center Harbor, a great opportunity to drive over for Friday evening or Saturday, or both. We will have full flexibility simply to remain at Coe House for dinner or go elsewhere.

      In the next few days, look for an Event Attendance Survey about the Reunion where you can indicate your interest in attending or not. We will be updating you with information on details. Numerous hotels/motels/B&B’s will be available at rates somewhat reduced from summertime.

      Many of our favorite restaurants are also still available and we all should be very excited about the work being done fully to restore Founders Hall back into a wonderful Bed and Breakfast.
      The intent for this Reunion is to offer as much flexibility for alumni to gather in a full group on Friday evening, plan some time at Coe House on Saturday (so that one-day visitors can find old friends at one meeting place) or choose to visit at some other favorite place. That still gives close friends the chance to plan small group dinners and partying for the evening before heading out on Sunday, or later.

      Tentative is the key word at this time. COVID remains an issue, but there are many signs that by mid-late October, most Americans will be fully vaccinated and new infections and hospitalizations should be minimal. We would certainly want all our attendees to be among those vaccinated for the safety of others, but we haven’t had a reunion in 5 years and our average age isn’t getting any lower.

      What do you think? We will be creating a list where you can sign on to give your tentative support for this idea and where we can update you on our fellow attendees, plans, lodging, restaurants and other activities (like visits to the new Founders Hall restoration in progress).

      You can also find if your cronies have signed up. If you have Belknap friends who are less than internet-friendly, let them know about this and encourage them to check the official Belknap College web site to get all the info, details and updates.
      We look forward to hearing from you on the Belknap facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/56476415402) or the Belknap web site (www.belknapcollege.com) page for the 2021 Reunion and feel free to use the Message Board.
      But please take every opportunity to reconnect or keep connected with your Belknap friends about this event. We want every aljum to be aware of this event (even those of us who aren’t active on the internet).

      Best regards to everyone!

      Mark Gleckman (mgleckman@comcast.net)
      Jim Mulligan (jim@belknapcollege.com)
      Mickey Terrone (mickterrone@hotmail.com)

    • #10920
      Mark Kleinberg

      I am looking forward to attending.

      • #10921

        This might just be our last big reunion, so let’s make it memorable! Who else is in?

    • #10932
      mona phillips

      Will attend, thank you to those making this reunion happen. Mona

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